ATV and quad bike training courses

Lantra Quad Bike and ATV Training CoursesThe aim of these courses is to train users of All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs and quad bikes) to a safe and professional standard of off-road operation. These courses can be either basic or advanced level, including Lantra-Awards Sit-In or Sit-Astride ATV certification.

ATV Training – Course Objectives

After completion of the course users will:

  • understand the significance of the correct use of controls
  • recognise the need for good obseravtion and forward planning
  • have learned important safety-related techniques in traversing slopes
  • be skilled in assessing and dealing with hazards and adverse conditions
  • have gained knowledge of the mechanical principles of the ATV machine
  • function more effectively by gaining a greater knowledge of the machines’ capabilities

All-Terrain Vehicle Course Content

ATV mechanical, legislation and techniques theory:

During the course the following subjects are discussed and demonstrated. At all stages interaction between the instructor and course members is encouraged to ensure full understanding of the subject under discussion.

  • Safety related issues such as safe riding techniques and legal requirements are discussed along with other safety matters such as operating the machine with awareness for the public.
  • The machine is examined paying particular attention to tyres and fluid levels.
  • Riding the machine paying particular attention to weight distribution and safe stowage of equipment.
  • Controls unique to the machine are explained and discussed.
  • The mechanical principles of the drive systems are explained before discussing correct gear selection for a wide variety of situations.
  • The techniques of dealing with different types of natural hazards are explained whilst considering possible environmental impacts.
  • Dealing with natural hazards such as water, ice and snow are discussed.

ATV riding & driving – Practical

Candidates are introduced to the driving course and the instructor will demonstrate the vital safety techniques. Candidates will then gain practical experience of basic handling.  Once a satisfactory skill level is attained, the session progresses to discussion and practice of safely handling the machine in a variety of off-road situations, including:

  • Ascending and descending slopes with safety.
  • Riding along side slopes
  • Self recovery techniques
  • Crossing ditches
  • Tackling soft unstable terrain
  • The dangers of riding too quickly

For more information about our Lantra-Awards ATV and quad bike training courses, please contact us:

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